Missions Report - Annual Meeting 2020
Recommendations for 2020 Mission Funds Awards
The Episcopal Church Women, Diocese of North Carolina accepts offerings from churches to support two ministries. The generous support of these programs enables us to help demonstrate Jesus’ love.
1. The Christmas Mission Fund is a designated gift for mission work in children’s programs, inside and outside the diocese. For 2019, the Missions Committee made an award from this fund to:
American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem
Click on this image to see a letter from The Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre
Twenty-five hospitals, schools, and centers for children with disabilities, are owned and operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem in Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, and Israel. These institutions provide professional, compassionate care for children in need of medical, educational, and psychological support. They are powerful examples of Christian witness, serving children of all religions, ethnicities, and economic circumstances. Funds will provide much needed life-saving resources for the children of this Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.
2. The Epiphany Fund is a designated gift for missions, inside or outside the diocese. For 2019, the Missions Committee made an award from this Fund to:
St. Augustine University Student Financial Assistance
This program is designed to support outstanding Episcopalian/Anglican students from outside the U.S. who have been given full scholarships from St. Augustine University in Raleigh, N.C., to cover their costs of tuition, room, and board. But, these students are still in need of financial aid to cover additional costs such as for taxes or health care coverage. The Epiphany Fund gift would help allay these costs.
The amount of the awards for 2020 will depend upon the offerings collected by the end of year 2020. Unfortunately, as of September 7, we have not received donations to either of the above Funds.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary C. Scholle, Missions Coordinator