The Episcopal Church Women
of the Diocese of North Carolina
Invite You to an Annual Meeting +
Spiritual Life Retreat Weekend
Decluttering Our Life for God:
The Benedictine Path of Simplicity
When St. Benedict formed his first small community of monks at Monte Cassino on the hilltop, Italy—and much of Europe—was ravaged by war. The Roman Empire was breaking apart, and politics, cultural life, and even the Church, were all in disarray. In the midst of these tumultuous times, some 1,500 years ago, Benedict offered his followers a “little rule,” a guide about the size of a checkbook, that showed his monks the way to peace as they learned to prefer Christ above all things. [Morehouse Publishing]
We are fortunate indeed to have the Rev. Dr. Jane Tomaine join us at the 128th Annual Meeting of the Episcopal Church Women of North Carolina. This gathering on November 12-13, hosted by the ECW of the Greensboro Convocation and held at Holy Trinity Church in Greensboro, will focus on our spiritual journeys. Jane, a former parish priest, will show us how to simplify, simplify, SIMPLIFY our lives (without having to lead a cloistered existence), open ourselves to the wisdom of Benedict, and get more right with God.
A nationally known retreat leader with a gentle sense of humor and down-to-earth attitude about most everything, including spiritual development, Jane is from the Episcopal Diocese of Newark in New Jersey. She is the author of St. Benedict’s Toolbox: The Nuts and Bolts of Everyday Benedictine Living, which takes a practical approach to living a Christ-centered life. (Helpful hint: St. Benedict’s Toolbox will be available for sale at the Annual Meeting and there will be time for book signings by Jane.)
Benedict said, “Let them prefer nothing whatever to Christ.” Jane asks, “We can say that we prefer Christ but what does this actually look like in daily life? How does it impact who we are and what we do?”
To get the answers, join us in Greensboro. All are welcome.